23 January 2011

A Gem in a Pile of Rubbish

Some films are highly overrated. There is so much build up and hype surrounding their box office debut that; I'm not so sure it's actually the film that has done well, or the advertisers. There is a lack of originality and art to the films that do best on most occasions. Granted; this is not true for all films, but it is for many.
Other films don't even get to see the light of day, as far as advertisement goes. Some of this days greatest works are completely neglected due to not meeting the requirements of box office stamina. Some movies go unnoted simply because they lack the funding or origin that Hollywood prefers. And then; some are just lost in the shuffle of time.
Tonight I have seen a good film. One of those films that you watch and are (even before the end is near) immediately added to your favorites cue. I found this film to be unpredictable, (I did try to predict it on numerous occasions) Enticing, Entrancing, and just plain good. The acting was done well; as far as I'm concerned it seemed believable as the time it was set in. The language was also pleasing. All around; Arn: The Knight Templar was a good film.
While perusing for a film to watch, we happened upon a good looking cover and settled on trying it out. We were pleased with this choice almost as soon as it started to play. It drew me in and made me feel for the characters. There was very little I didn't understand, even with all the language changes, and before I even knew it was the end; I found myself wondering why I'd never heard of it before. Why was such a gem never mentioned to me amongst talks of films like Braveheart? I can only suppose that no one else has seen it either.
Now I truly and honestly don't want to talk it up too much. I don't want it to be a disappointment to anyone if they do happen to see it. However, I was genuinely pleased that I did like it so much. I'm sure I've not seen a film of this caliber for quite some time, especially in it's own genre.
So; instead of going on and on about it; I will merely recommend. One of my new favorite films. Please watch Arn: The Knight Templar.

Check it out!

(p.s.: This film was based on the trilogy by Jan Guillou)

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